How To Get Involved With Horseboating

The best way to gain experience of horseboating is to contact the Horseboating Society and join in. You could also contact one of the horsedrawn boat operators and offer your assistance in some capacity – as a passenger, or crew, or photographer, etc.

You can find out about horseboating activities and get involved as crew members or as photographers or video makers.

You can join like-minded people working to ensure that horse-drawn craft and skills remain a part of the waterway landscape. Even if you are not able to take part in activities, your membership helps to ensure the continuation of the Society and the pursuance of its aims. See “Join Us” for information about joining the society.

The Horseboating Society is usually able to offer some training in the techniques involved in horseboating. To take advantage of this you should offer your services to help crew one or more of the horsedrawn journeys shown on the Events page and let us know your current level of experience on the Crew Form.

Horse Handlers
Experienced horse handlers can learn the skills of working a boat horse. Find out more.

Crew Required
The Society carries out short and long horseboating journeys and crew will be much needed for these. (see Events page)

If you are able to help crew a horsedrawn journey this year please complete the Crew Form and return it to us.

A horsedrawn boat needs more crew than a motorised boat – at least 3 or 4 – so that locks can be set ahead so that the boat can glide in without having to stop and re-start. Help is needed with handling ropes and passing the line over moored boats or obstacles along the towpath such as bushes.

This could be your opportunity to get involved for a day or preferably longer. Previous experience is not necessary as some informal training can be given as you go along.

Join The Horseboating Society. Anyone can join – previous experience of horseboating is not necessary as training can be given.

Donations and Sponsorship
Any donations made to The Horseboating Society are much appreciated, as is sponsorship of journeys. There are many costs in carrying out the voyages and any financial assistance, however small, is very welcome.

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